Sunday, May 13, 2007

accident magnet

Its a shame I dont have any pictures, of this so I will desicibe.
Last week Zanden was running from 1st to 2nd base and collided with another boy trying to catch the pop fly. Low and behold the batters helmet hits him on the bridge of the nose and what do you know, bloody nose. No big deal he was fine.

Well yesterday, Zanden is running from 1st to 2nd in the same inning, and POW he gets thumped in the head with the pop fly. He had the helmet on still so no big deal. It was so funny, as he is running he slowed down but he kept on running. I said to Todd is that Zanden? He says with a sigh, I think so.

The only two accidents so far were the ones that involved Zanden. se' la vie'-someone correct me as my french is a lil rusty.

Happy Mothers Day